How to Find the Best Scrapbooking Conventions

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How to Find the Best Scrapbooking Conventions

Scrapbooking expos and conventions are a great way to get inspired and to connect with other people that are doing exciting stuff. At these conventions you'll find cheap classes and seminars, find great materials and resources for making your craft, and you'll rub shoulders with influential people who can give you feedback.

Here are a few of the best scrapbook conventions to keep an eye out for:

Scrapbook Expo

Easily one of the best conventions, the Scrapbook Expo will get you caught up on the latest and most innovative scrapbooking methods and tips. They have excellent workshops and classes taught by the best in the craft. Complete with contests, hands on events, make and take swamps and more, this is not an event you'll want to miss out on.

Stamp Scrap Art Tour

This Tour goes through several locations across the US and is a great way to reconnect with your scrapbooking passion and to inspire new ideas to stoke the flame of inspiration. Here you'll walk away with great ideas and wonderful memories that you'll take with you into your hobby. Keep an eye out when it comes by your town.

Stamp and Scrapfest

Exhibitors will be presenting here from all over the country. Come and see all of the latest techniques and ideas that are floating around. There will be product demonstrations, technique demonstrations and a Make & Take. Door prizes will be held and there will be a Gran Prize drawing every day.

Heirloom Productions Rubber Stamp & Paper Art Festivals

This event has been going on since its debut in 1993 and has steadily grown ever since. One of the leading events for rubber stamp and paper arts festivals throughout the US, those putting on this event strive for to provide an absolutely unforgettable experience.



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