Scrapbook Like These Celebrities

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Scrapbook Like These Celebrities

Scrapbooking is an addicting hobby that allows you to create something beautiful. It is also a very popular hobby, as evidenced in materials specific to the craft being found in chain department stores and by the large attendance at craft and supply fairs.

And we regular folks aren’t the only ones who scrapbook. Celebrities want to showcase their memories too! Here are 5 celebrities who scrapbook:

Paris Hilton

Pairs Hilton came out with a line of crafting supplies such as glitzy paper and blingy stickers called the Creativity Collection. Very vibrant, very flashy, and very fun.

Nancy O’Dell

Nancy O’Dell, who has been scrapbooking for years, is launching a line with Creative Memories. This TV host and journalist patterned the hobby after her mother who enjoyed spending hours on the craft as well. Inspired by her daughter, Ashby Grace, this line focuses on baby books.

Britney Spears

She's been caught by paparazzi browsing the supply shelves in Sweetpeas and Snapshots in Los Angeles, outting Britney Spears as a bonafide scrapbooker.

Trista Sutter

This star of the first “Bachelorette” show uses digital scrapbooking to preserve her memories.

Rosie O’Donnell

Rosie O’Donnell is a very crafty soul. She enjoys lots of different crafts, including memory keeping and journaling. She has a new book with craft ideas called “Crafty U”.



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