Scrapbooking Albums

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What are the most common scrapbooking album sizes?

Scrapbooking Albums

Preserving your memories is important and choosing the right scrapbooking albums to display your pages and layouts is essential. Albums come in so many shapes and sizes it can be overwhelming to try to choose the “perfect” scrapbooking albums for your personal needs. Here are some suggestions to help guide you through the album selection process.

First, determine the size you want to use. If you already have page layouts that need to be secured in an album you will want to purchase scrapbooking albums that will accommodate the layouts you have completed. If you are a beginner or are starting a new phase of pictures and pages then you have a little more freedom in your scrapbooking album selection. The most common album sizes are 12 x 12, 9 x 9 and 6 x 6. Mini albums are also available and they range in size from 6 x 6 to 3 x 3.

After you determine the album size then you are ready to pick the type of album. Post-bound scrapbooking albums are a popular choice; there are belted albums and 3 ring albums. Now that you have selected the type binding you are ready to choose the style. There are fine leather albums, faux leather albums, linen albums and vinyl albums.

Scrapbooking albums come in many colors, patterns and materials. You can choose albums with a specific pattern or one with a picture frame on front. There are so many choices you are sure to find the scrapbooking albums that are right for your desires.

Scrapbooking albums are a place you can display and preserve your memories for a lifetime while sharing them with future generations.



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